SOQI Wellness Center
Where our Focus is Prevention
Our Services
If you wish to come out and visit with us and try one of our services below, please give us a call to schedule an appointment. You can also visit the Energy Wellness Center website for more information on all our services.

Aqua Chi Foot Bath
A Detox Foot Bath
A session with the Aqua Chi Foot Bath is just what you are going to need if you want to improve your energy, detox your body, and reduce overall aches, pains and inflammation. This is an amazing bio energy product that promotes overall vitality utilizing the power of negative ions. The color of the water often changes through the reaction of the minerals and metals and often indicates what may be going on with its user.
Many users have found relief for Allergies or Sinus Congestion and Problems, Anxiety, Arthritis, Chronic Pain, Headaches, Lethargy and Tiredness, Liver Sluggishness, Migraines, Muscle and Joint Pain, and Toxicity.
Learn more about the Aqua Chi.
$35.00 per 30 Minute Session
Appointment Only.

Far Infrared Therapy & Chi Machine
The SOQI Bed is the cat's meow for overall wellness. The benefits and warmth of far infrared therapy combined with the motion of the Chi Machine offers its users a unique combination that promotes overall well-being, relaxation, circulation and detoxification. It is a perfect combination of East meets West!
Users of the SOQI Bed have noticed the following benefits. Improved Energy, Better Circulation, Reduction in Stress, Reduction in Swelling, Loosens Tight Muscles and Relieves Aches and Pain.
Learn more about the SOQI Bed.
You can also try the Electro Reflex Energizer's Reflexology Foot Massage or the Facial Skin Rejuvenation with the E-Power Machine.
$35.00 per 30 Minute Session
Appointment Only.

Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranio Sacral Therapy (CST) is a light hands-on form of evaluating and enhancing the function of the body’s craniosacral system. Therapists use a soft touch hands on technique to release restrictions in the craniosacral system, improving the communication and function of the central nervous system. Their focus in on the rhythm of the fluid. This gentle therapy can aid the body in “unlocking or “releasing” muscle constraints and spasms, pain, discomfort, and other patterns being held in the body.
Each individual experiences something different. Some have fallen asleep, while others feel deep relaxation. It is said to benefit many emotional, neurological and muscular conditions.
For more information on Cranio Sacral Therapy visit What is it Really?
$45.00 per Session
Appointment Only.
Wellness Programs and Holistic Health Coaching
All our Wellness Programs can be done in person or online. Below are some of the various programs we offer. If you are unsure of what program would work best for you, contact us to schedule your FREE Healthy Habits Discovery Call!

Healthy Gut
Healthy Weight
We are What We Eat
We offer two programs whose main focus is on Gut Health. Our 30 day program is called Purify and focuses on restoring gut health while eliminating heavy metals. Our 13 week program is called INFORM and has more of a focus on weight management and metabolic syndrome.
Each program utilizes specific supplements, lifestyle and dietary changes. Supplements for each program will be tailored to your specific needs.
To help determine which program may be of benefit to you, visit our program pages at Purify Gut Health or INFORM 13 Week Healthy Weight
You may also be interested in our online Healthy Habits Challenge.

Holistic Health Consults
Individualized Wellness Programs
As a Holistic Health Practitioner I have worked with many clients who are interested in maintaining or improving their current health. During the coaching process and getting to know each other, we are able to work together to develop a specific and measurable plan to help you achieve your individual goals. We will focus on lifestyle changes, dietary changes based on pH balancing and our Body System Analysis. The Body System Analysis helps us determine what body system is requiring additional support.
Learn more about our individual consultations by visiting our
Natural Health Consultations Page.

Bach Flowers & Aromatherapy
Balance your Emotions
Living life allows us to experience a multitude of emotions. Sometimes we feel joy or happiness and other times we feel sadness. Many of us experience stress, fear or anxiety. We don't like to admit it, however, our emotions affect our health. Keeping them balanced is important and necessary for maintaining wellness.
If you haven't tried Bach Flowers or Aromatherapy I highly recommend them. You can learn more about
Bach Flowers and Aromatherapy via our previous newsletters.
You might also want to check out having a custom Bach Flower and/or Aromatherapy product created for you by visiting our Emotional Balancing Page.