SOQI Bed Awarded
Golden Globe for Best Quality
The SOQI Bed receives the Golden Globe Award and HTE International once again shines because of its products. Taiwan has won the Best Quality Golden Global award from their headquarter office. The SOQI Bed joined the Best Quality product competition at the World Trade Center in Taipei. During their 4 day meeting, HTE's SOQI Chi Spa attracted many visitors. People lined up to try the SOQI devices. The Committee Board of the Republic of China (Taiwan) National Quality Standard, acknowledged the interest shown by the people and awarded HTE with the best quality product.
HTE family members cheered as Nathan Zheng, GM of the Taiwan office received the award. Together on stage, HTE shared the honor of the SOQI Bed award.
After winning the award, the SOQI Bed and Chi Spa was shown on TV. Everyone had the chance to see the best quality product on the news. This is very exciting for us all and as part of the HTE family, I too am very happy and proud! No wonder so many natural health practitioners use the SOQI Wellness Products and SOQI Bed in their practice.