Survival Benefit Associated with
Low-Level Physical Activity
"The direct health benefits of exercise are irrefutable.
Exercise can reduce cardiovascular mortality and, in particular, coronary mortality by many mechanisms,
including improvement in endothelial function, autonomic tone, inflammation, and risk-factor control."
In the Lancet, Chi Pang Wen and colleagues1 report their findings from a very large observational study, showing that a small amount of leisure-time physical activity reduces total mortality, mortality from cardiovascular disease, and mortality from cancer. Although the ability of physical activity in moderate amounts to reduce mortality from all causes has been well documented, 2-4 the public-health recommendation in most countries is to do the equivalent of at least 30 min per day of walking, most days of the week -ie, 150 min per week. 5,6 Wen and colleagues' study shows that half this amount of physical activity (15 min per day for 6 days a week) reduces all-cause mortality by 14%, cancer mortality by 10%, and mortality from cardiovascular disease by 20%. To our knowledge, this is the first observational study of this size to report important and global health benefits at such a low volume of leisure-time physical activity with this degree of precision. The benefits of physical activity follow a dose-response curve (figure), which clearly shows that although a little amount of physical activity is good, more is better. In an ideal world, people would benefit greatly from 200 min of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, but data from most countries show that this amount of physical activity is achieved by only a small proportion o the population. 5, 7 The reason for this reality is multi factorial and complex, and individual, psychosocial, and environmental factors all play a part. 8 Repeated, simple advice from a physician - as Wen and colleagues suggest - is one of many interventions that can effectively contribute to increased physical activity. 9 We agree that this advise is very simple and probably easily achievable.
Physical Activity and Exercise Benefits
Because of its observational nature, Wen and colleagues' study cannot establish causality, but their results are entirely consistent with the findings of prospective randomized trials in secondary cardiovascular prevention that show a clear mortality benefit from regular exercise. 10, 11 As such, the direct health benefits of exercise are irrefutable. Exercise can reduce cardiovascular mortality and, in particular, coronary mortality by many mechanisms, including improvements in endothelial function, autonomic tone, inflammation, and risk-factor control. The final common pathways of cardiovascular risk reduction presumably operate through both improved endothelial function and improved autonomic regulation of cardiovascular function. 12 Improved endothelial function leads to the prevention and stabilization of coronary atherosclerosis, thereby reducing the risk of acute coronary syndromes. Improved autonomic function leads to a reduced risk of sudden cardiac death. Cancer, like coronary heart disease, is also to an extent preventable and shares several common risk factors such as poor nutrition, obesity, inflammation, and physical inactivity. Therefore, improvements in some of these risk factors with regular exercise could plausibly explain the cancer mortality benefits recorded by Wen and colleagues. The onco protective effects of exercise are certainly an expanding topic of research in cancer. 13
Finally, noteworthy from a public health perspective, 54% of individuals in the Taiwanese cohort studied were inactive, with another 22% doing low levels of leisure-time physical activity only. Rural-to-urban migration across the Asia-Pacific region through rapid economic growth and industrialization during the past few decades could explain these low levels of physical activity and the concomitant epidemics of obesity and diabetes (check out our IN.FORM Program) that are being witnessed.14 The knowledge that as little as 15 min per day of exercise on most days of the week can substantially reduce an individual's risk of dying could encourage many more individuals to incorporate a small amount of physical activity in to their busy lives. Governments and health professionals both have major roles to play to spread this good news story and convince people of the importance of being at least minimally active.
Chi Machine Passive Aerobic Exercise
With all being said in the above article about exericse, HTE believes the Chi Machine Passive Aerobic Exerciser is the tool to help us get those 15 minutes per day of physical activity. Did you know that 15 minutes of using the Chi Machine is estimated to be equivalent to walking ten thousand paces, about 90 minutes of walking in terms of body oxygenation? If used with the proven relaxation techniques, there it no limit to the potential scope of healing and fitness enhancement for the body and mind. The Chi Machine will help eliminate body toxins and provide the essential benefits of sporting and fitness programmes without putting stress on the body such as vertebrae, joints, heart and lungs.
Because the "exercise" massage is done in the lying down, relaxed position, with all loads and stress reduced on the spine and other body area during maximum oxygenation and subsequent energy products, the sense of well-being arising form the massage is immediate and noticeable.
Therefore, the chi machine proves a "workout" for the whole body, regardless of sex, age, time of use, place or climate conditions. The simplicity of use and portability of the massager, offers a convenient way for busy people to cultivate a vital exercise habit, which we all need in our lives.
Source: HTE Newsletter
*Anil Nigam, Martin Juneau Montreal Heart Institute and Universite de Montreal 5000 Belanger Street, Montreal Quebec H1T 1C8, Canada,
We declare we have no conflicts of interest.
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