sOf all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” John Muir
The outdoors is nature’s medicine and the healing balm that many of us need when life becomes hectic and harried. Not only do the outdoors bring a certain amount of peace, but studies indicate that being in nature can also be healing.
Nature Fix
Florence Williams, the author of “Nature Fix”,” spent time shadowing researchers on several continents. These researchers are on the breaking edge of what is now known as nature neuroscience. What exactly is that you may be wondering? Essentially, it is the study of how being in nature can heal us physically and mentally. It’s a fascinating read and very eye-opening to realize that simply spending time in nature can provide trackable and significant health benefits. Think of it. Healing our minds and hearts with just a few minutes in nature. Can it really be that simple?
Nature’s Medicine Benefit
Here are a few foundational research-based benefits of nature’s medicine that were discussed in the book.
- In as little as 15 minutes in the woods, stress level cortisol was lower
- Cognitive performance in most individuals increased as well, after only 45 minutes in nature
- The feeling of awe, which is a frequent experience in nature, will indeed increase your generosity towards others
- Fractal patterns, often found in nature, allow the eye to move in such a way as to create alpha waves in the brain. This will in turn induce relaxation.
- The sounds of water and birdsong boost the mood and increase alertness
Interestingly, a revelation uncovered in the book is that not only does getting out in nature improve your health but also limiting our time outside can actually be detrimental! Williams tells us, “We’re increasingly burdened by chronic ailments made worse by time spent indoors, from myopia (nearsightedness) and Vitamin D deficiency to obesity, depression, loneliness, anxiety, and more.”
But, don’t take our word for it. The book is a great one to peruse on your own. In the meantime, take advantage of the health benefits offered by nature. Williams put it simply when she wrote, “Distilling what I learned, I came up with a kind of ultrasimple coda: Go outside, often, sometimes in wild places. Bring friends or not. Breathe.”
Step outside. Really. It’s that simple. By increasing the time you spend outside by just 5 hours a month (seriously), you may begin to see health benefits. Need ideas to get outside, view some of these 95 ways to help you start! What are you waiting for? The mountains are calling.