Natural Remedies for Lower Respiratory Concerns
As you breathe in your lungs fill with air and then empty as you breathe out. This process happens so automatically that most of the time you aren’t even aware of it, but when lower respiratory disease makes breathing difficult, just taking a single breath can be a struggle.
About five percent of the population have problems that interfere with their ability to breathe. In fact, two of the leading causes of death in the US involve problems with the lungs. Chronic lower respiratory diseases are the fourth leading cause of death and pneumonia is the ninth leading cause of death.
Symptoms of lower respiratory disease include shortness of breath, chest pain and tightness, wheezing, chronic dry cough, and excessive mucus production. If you frequently have any of these symptoms, you should consult with a doctor to obtain a proper diagnosis. At the same time, be aware that although many medical treatments will ease symptoms they may do little to restore your lungs to a healthy state.
In this issue of Sunshine Sharing, we’ll teach you some of the things you can do to heal your lungs and breathe easier. We’ll start by providing some basic information on how the lungs work and follow this with three basic suggestions for keeping your lungs healthy before covering various lower respiratory diseases and the natural remedies that can be helpful for them.

Lower Respiratory Health Concerns
- Chronic Cough
- Bronchitis
- Asthma
- Reactive Airway Disease
- Pneumonia
- Pleurisy
- Emphysema
Deep Breathing is also helpful for maintaining healthy lungs. You can view information from the American Lung Association on exercises for deep breathing. Their website also has information on overall lung health. I have found that the Chi Machine is beneficial for helping one to relax and for promoting deep breathing. You may also be interested in our newsletter on Sinuses and Allergies.
I can’t stress how your overall health impacts everything. Start focusing on a healthier you by joining one of our Healthy Habits Programs.