Winter can be challenging for everyone, especially if you’re prone to health issues. Cold temperatures, wet conditions, and increased germs can make it difficult to stay healthy. Every year, a new round of viruses seems to get passed. But just because something goes around doesn’t mean it has to go to you. Here are some tips to stay healthy this winter and help you when fighting cold and flu.
Tips for Fighting Cold and Flu
For those prone to getting sick, it is best to avoid large crowds or public places. Germs are everywhere, and being around sick people definitely makes it easier to pick something up. You might also want to limit visitors, especially if they’ve been sick recently.
Washing your hands is one of the best things you can do to help keep germs away. Just think about all the surfaces you touch on a given day – the ATM, money, cell phone, door handles, etc…you get the drift. Cleaning your hands helps limit the spread of germs.
One alternative to hand washing is using hand sanitizer. Buy a few bottles and stash them in everyone’s bag or coat pocket. Sanitizers with at least 60 percent alcohol are the most effective. Also, look for those that don’t require water.
Use your own pen. Stock up on pens and keep one with you when you go out to keep germs at bay. Think about all the places you use pens, and then think about the number of sick and healthy people who use that same pen. Pretty gross, right?
Not only should you use your own pen, but you should also make sure everyone in your household has their own face and hand towel. There is nothing like wiping your hands and face with the same towel as someone else.
Foods and Supplements
The foods you eat can also help boost your immunity so you don’t get sick. Selenium is found in shellfish like oysters, crabs, and clams, and it can help produce cytokines, which help rid the body of viruses. Omega-3-rich foods like salmon and mackerel are natural anti-inflammatory foods that can help protect your lungs from infection. Also, Grandma wasn’t wrong when she said chicken soup was good for you, especially when you’re sick. The hot broth can help open clogged nasal passages and soothe a sore throat. It also has chicken and veggies, which are excellent protein sources and complex carbs. I am also a fan of hot tea with honey and lemon. There are also several herbal teas available in your local grocery store.
I am also a big fan of supplements like zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D, which support a healthy immune system. Elderberries are often used for colds and coughs. I know when I get sick, I always reach for my Far Infrared Heating Pad!
Protect yourself this winter and fight the germs all around you. And if you do get sick, try to isolate yourself until the contagious period has passed. Don’t think you’re being a hero by going to work sick. You’re just getting everyone else sick.