Natural Remedies & Herbs

42 posts

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies can complement traditional medicine and support overall health and well-being. If you aren’t familiar with them you are going to find the topic interesting.

Some of the natural remedies discussed include herbal teas, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, and mind-body practices like meditation.

We also discuss many common ailments and how to support your various body systems like your immune system or circulatory system. We are what we eat, drink and think!

gingko for edema

Gingko for Edema

Edema occurs when trapped fluid in the tissues causes swelling. The condition is common among pregnant women because their body’s produce more fluids naturally to support their growing fetus. Non-pregnant women may experience edema during their menstrual cycles. It is also normal among the elderly and overweight individuals. A host of treatments can make the swelling subside;  ginkgo is one of them. About Ginkgo Ginkgo is one of the oldest living types of trees. To […]

herbs for migraines

Herbs for Migraines

Migraines are a severe type of headache characterized by chronic throbbing and pounding. Although the exact cause of a migraine is uncertain, experts believe that changes in the brain and blood vessel contractions play a role. Approximately 45 million Americans suffer from persistent headaches, 28 million of which are migraine sufferers. Finding the right treatments is crucial to quality of life for these people. In many cases, herbs are effective and easily accessible. Diagnosis Migraine […]


Natural Hemorrhoid Remedies

Approximately 75 percent of people will have hemorrhoids at some time. They are common among the elderly as connective tissues in the rectum become weak with age. Pregnant women often struggle with hemorrhoids because of increased pressure in the abdomen, which enlarges the rectal veins. Poor dietary habits can be a factor as well, causing a person to strain to relieve himself. Natural remedies can help ease the discomfort of hemorrhoids. Diet A high-fiber diet […]


Supplements to Improve Mental Focus

Many people could not imagine beginning their day without their ritualistic cup of coffee. For some, the steaming brew bolsters clarity and readies them for the day ahead. For others, the caffeine content boosts energy levels. While a few cups of coffee are not harmful to health, drinking too much caffeine throughout the day can hinder your sleep at night. Experts recommend stopping caffeine consumption in the early afternoon, so as not to disrupt sleep. […]

Vitamins for Women

Recommended Vitamins and Herbs for Aging Women

Wrinkles, grey hairs and age spots are a natural part of aging.  And while most women will fret about the cosmetic changes that occur with age, hosts of internal changes are also taking place. Without a basic understanding of the effects of aging, women remain unprepared to protect their bodies and consume the right foods and supplements to maintain the best possible health. The following are some recommended vitamins and herbs for aging women. Vitamin D […]