Natural Remedies & Herbs

42 posts

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies can complement traditional medicine and support overall health and well-being. If you aren’t familiar with them you are going to find the topic interesting.

Some of the natural remedies discussed include herbal teas, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, and mind-body practices like meditation.

We also discuss many common ailments and how to support your various body systems like your immune system or circulatory system. We are what we eat, drink and think!


Allergy Season – What to Eat During It

Most people who have allergies believe that pollen, animal dander and dust mites are the enemies. And this is true for some. However, a number of other substances can cause allergic symptoms, some of which you may be ingesting everyday. This happens when your body sees similarities between proteins in pollen and those that exist in some foods. The good news is, some foods have the opposite effect, and actually help heal allergies. Knowing what […]

Healthy Facts about Garlic

Garlic Health Facts – What you Need to Know

Garlic is widely known as a food flavoring that is closely related to the onion, chive and leek. The pungent herb pairs well with meats, pasta and even salads. For centuries, it has also been a medicinal herb, used to treat and prevent an array of conditions and diseases. The fresh clove is shown to benefit the heart and blood systems, helping people with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and high cholesterol levels. The […]


How to Treat and Prevent Bug Bites

Whether you are at the park with pals or in your backyard lounging solo, they are there. They land swiftly on the rim of your glass, buzzing and finally biting, leaving you itching hours, even days later. If you feel as though you can’t enjoy the outdoors because of mosquitoes or other summer insects, it’s time to take action. Citronella for Mosquito Bite Prevention Preventing bugs bites can be an expensive endeavor, although it doesn’t […]

head cold

Discerning a Cold from the Flu

Cold and flu are both respiratory illnesses with a host of symptoms in common. The flu, however, could become serious if it leads to complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis or infections of the central nervous system. Children, the elderly and people with existing health problems are at greater risk of developing complications from the flu. Discerning which one you have may be tough, but key symptoms may make it possible for you to diagnose your ailment […]

Children and Adult Feet

Curing Dry Skin and Other Common Foot Problems

Most people find that the heels are especially susceptible to dry skin. And while this problem may seem merely cosmetic, particularly for frequent sandal-wearers, dry skin of the feet can actually cause more severe foot complications, including foot pain and the following problems: Bunions: These abnormal bony prominences develop on the base of the toe joint, most commonly on the big toes, although some develop on smaller toes. Not all bunions cause problems, although some […]