Natural Remedies & Herbs

42 posts

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies can complement traditional medicine and support overall health and well-being. If you aren’t familiar with them you are going to find the topic interesting.

Some of the natural remedies discussed include herbal teas, herbal supplements, nutritional supplements, and mind-body practices like meditation.

We also discuss many common ailments and how to support your various body systems like your immune system or circulatory system. We are what we eat, drink and think!

athletes foot

Athlete’s Foot and Natural Remedies

Athlete’s foot is one of the most common types of fungal infections, according to the Mayo Clinic. This infection is widespread among athletes because they often wear damp socks and walk barefoot in locker rooms or other public places where the contagious infection lurks. Nevertheless, athletes are not the only ones who can acquire athlete’s foot. People with weakened immune systems or poor hygiene are also susceptible. Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot Athlete’s foot brings with […]

ayurvedic medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine and its Benefits

What is Ayurveda Ayurvedic Medicine, also known as Ayurveda, is one of the oldest complete medical systems that originated in India and is a form of healing and therapy. Ayurveda means “science” or “wisdom” of life. Ayurvedic medicine continues to be practiced in India today and is used exclusively by the majority of its population. It is a holistic medical system which balances the body, the mind, and the spirit taking into consideration the world […]

acne female face

Acne and Natural Remedies

What is Acne? According to the Mariam Webster Dictionary, “it is a disorder of the skin caused by the inflammation of the skin glands, hair and hair follicles and is largely found in adolescents.” It is hard to believe but acne affects nearly 17 million people and is considered to be an inflammatory skin disorder that is most commonly treated. You, like myself, at one point during your life probably dealt with acne concerns. Blackheads, […]


Paw Wax – A Dog’s Good Friend

Dog owners who want to protect their furry friends’ paws should consider investing in a quality paw wax or salve. This simple recipe is easy to make and keeps your dog’s feet healthy and safe from outdoor hazards. It is no secret I am an animal lover! Between old man winter and the dog days of summer, I wanted to share a paw salve or paw wax recipe I use with my dog Brutus. Last  […]


Hemorrhoids – A Real Pain the the Bum! | AskMara

Do you have a “pain in your bum”? No, I’m not talking about someone who makes things difficult for you. I’m talking about hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be very difficult if you do not know how to handle them. What are hemorrhoids besides itchy and painful? Hemorrhoids occur when the veins or vascular structures that are in or around the anus become inflamed or swollen. There are generally, two types of hemorrhoids, internal or external. Internal […]