
84 posts

Monthly NewslettersOur Sunshine Sharing Newsletters from Steven Horne offer a wealth of knowledge on the holistic and natural way to approach many of today’s common everyday ailments.

Today’s health care is focused on symptom management. While taking the natural path dives into looking at the person as a whole.

This new holistic approach helps you discover the root cause of many common everyday ailments. It’s time to explore more than a symptom and start improving and supporting your overall health.

Healing the Heart | Basic Remedies

Heart Health Heart health is super important because your heart is miraculous. It started to beat before you were born and will continue to beat about once a second throughout your life. Each contraction sends life-giving blood throughout your body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to every cell. Your heart is more than a simple pump. It is intimately connected with your nervous and glandular system. Also, your heart responds dynamically to your environment, emotional moods, […]

Let your Blood Flow – Natural Solutions Circulation Issues

Reducing agglutination, Preventing Blood Clots, and Healing Varicose Veins Blood supplies every cell of your body with water, nutrients, and life-giving oxygen. Without a constant blood supply it’s impossible for tissues to remain healthy. So, anything that interferes with blood flow will adversely affect the whole body and may even be life threatening. It If blood thickens due to the clumping of red blood cells, a problems called agglutination, the ability of the blood to […]

Trace Minerals | Why we need them for our Health

Minerals and Elements Ignorance about nutrition has caused until disease, suffering, and premature death. Less than 200 years ago, only major nutrients like fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and a few minerals like iron and calcium were understood to be essential for human nutrition. It was only about 100 years ago that scientists discovered the importance of vitamins and the importance of many trace minerals. Unfortunately, during the very same period of time researchers were discovering the importance […]

Major Minerals for Health Deficiencies and Disease

Why we Need Major Minerals At one time, people obtained all the nutrients their body needed from the food they ate. That is no longer the case in modern society, particularly when it comes to minerals. Minerals for health are a necessity. Minerals must be present in the soil in order for plants (and animals which eat them) to obtain them. Plants also need the assistance of fungi and bacteria in the soil to be […]

Healing with Water Soluble Vitamins

B-complex vitamins and vitamin C are helpful for stress, neurological disorders, fatigue, and more. When people first started earing refined foods (white flour, polished rice, refined sugar, and canned foods) as staples of their diet, they started experiencing new diseases. It was eventually discovered that important nutrients, which were later called vitamins, had been removed during processing. Without these water soluble vitamins the body could not convert calories into energy, produce important neurotransmitters, or maintain […]