
84 posts

Monthly NewslettersOur Sunshine Sharing Newsletters from Steven Horne offer a wealth of knowledge on the holistic and natural way to approach many of today’s common everyday ailments.

Today’s health care is focused on symptom management. While taking the natural path dives into looking at the person as a whole.

This new holistic approach helps you discover the root cause of many common everyday ailments. It’s time to explore more than a symptom and start improving and supporting your overall health.

Herbs vs Medicine – How they Differ

There is no doubt that controversy exists between traditional medicine and holistic medicine. The traditional side says herbs aren’t tested and are unsafe. The herbal side says they have been used for thousands of years and are safe. Regardless of your viewpoint, no one should be forced to take a pharmaceutical or an herb. Everyone should be able to try and choose which works best for them. Regardless of which way you are leaning, educating […]

Emotions and Health – Exploring the Mind Body Connection

Recognizing and Resolving the Mental and Emotional Issues Behind Physical Health Problems There is a tendency in Western medicine to separate mental and emotional issues from physical health problems. This has never been the case with traditional medicine. All systems of traditional medicine have seen strong connections between the mind, emotions, and spiritual as well as physical health problems. The truth is that healing is rarely a process that involves only the physical body. it […]

It’s Spring – Time to Detox and Cleanse

It’s time to detox and cleanse especially as winter draws to a close. Spring is in the air with warm breezes coaxing the early spring flowers to brighten the land-scape. You might be inspired to clean out your home. You may even do a deeper cleaning, throwing out clutter, geting more organized, and opening up the windows and doors to welcome in the fresh air and sunshine. Change of Seasons is the Perfect Time Tradition […]

neuro degernerative diseases

Neuro Degenerative Disease | Save your Mind

Maintain a Healthy Mind & Body In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people who develop neurodegenerative disease. These disorders occur when nerve cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system lose function over time and ultimately die. Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are the two most common neuro degenerative disorders. Others include Huntington’ disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Symptoms […]

Solving Urinary Health Problems

Natural Remedies for Urinary Health Edema, UTIs, Interstitial Cystitis, Incontinence, Kidney Stones and Other Urinary Problems If you haven’t thought much about urinary health, you are not alone. Most people don’t think about this important bodily function until they have a problem. But a lot of people do have issues with their urinary system. Common problems include urinary tract infections (UTIs), interstitial cystitis, kidney stones, incontinence, prostatitis, and benign prostatic hyperplasic (BPH). Learn about natural […]