
80 posts

Monthly NewslettersOur Sunshine Sharing Newsletters from Steven Horne offer a wealth of knowledge on the holistic and natural way to approach many of today’s common everyday ailments.

Today’s health care is focused on symptom management. While taking the natural path dives into looking at the person as a whole.

This new holistic approach helps you discover the root cause of many common everyday ailments. It’s time to explore more than a symptom and start improving and supporting your overall health.

Nervous System Balance

Maintaining the Balance of Health

The idea that balance is the key to health is a foundational principle in all traditional systems of herbal medicine. These traditional systems include Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and even Traditional Western Herbalism. Learning to identify how the body is out of balance and what we can do restore balance is a key to learning how to recover health. Part of this balance is learning how to work with the internal environment or biological […]

seaweed and algae

The Health Benefits of Algae and Sea Vegetables

Algae for Health Each year, millions of tons of seaweed are harvested for industrial, agriculture and food purposes. These salt-water algae are loaded with numerous essential minerals and vitamins, including a relatively rare, but important element called iodine. They also provide gums and mucilage that have soothing and detoxifying effects. Salt-water algae and their fresh-water cousins are also great sources of complete protein. Read all about the health benefits of both salt and fresh water […]


Do you Feel Burned Out

Feeling Tired, Stressed, Overwhelmed? Sometimes the stress of life starts to take its toll on our energy and our health and we start to feel burned out. Our drive, enthusiasm, joy, and ambitions are gone. We’re stressed, tired and overwhelmed. This issue of Sunshine Sharing discusses what happens that makes us feel burned out, and what we can do to recover our energy and our enthusiasm for life. Read more in this issue of Sunshine […]

liver heatlh

Learn to Love Your Liver

We’re not talking about eating liver; we’re talking about taking care of the internal organ that performs over 500 vital functions to keep you healthy. If you just don’t feel well, experiencing fatigue, grogginess, headaches, irritability, or lethargy, the problem could be a congested, overburdened liver. Unfortunately, modern liver dysfunction won’t show up on your doctor’s lab tests and many people who don’t have anything wrong with them medically, but just don’t feel good, need […]

Brain Health and Wellness

Below are the Orr Center’s 10 Pillars to Brain Wellness. Brain wellness is super essential, especially with the rise of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Below are tips, herbs, and lifestyle habits to help you do that. Socialize – volunteer, join a club, take a class, interact with others. Exercise – moderate physical activity protects against cognitive decline. Rest – the brain needs rest, so try to take one day a week that is largely stress-free. Manage […]