
80 posts

Monthly NewslettersOur Sunshine Sharing Newsletters from Steven Horne offer a wealth of knowledge on the holistic and natural way to approach many of today’s common everyday ailments.

Today’s health care is focused on symptom management. While taking the natural path dives into looking at the person as a whole.

This new holistic approach helps you discover the root cause of many common everyday ailments. It’s time to explore more than a symptom and start improving and supporting your overall health.

mullein herb

Lymphatic Drainage Helps your Body Heal

Lymphatic Drainage is a critical secret to relieving pain, healing old injuries, reversing chronic disease and keeping your immune system strong. In this month’s Sunshine Sharing we are going to take a look at the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is also known as the plumbing system of the body. We will explore lymphatic stagnation, conditions and drainage. We will also be looking at ways you can keep your lymph system moving. These ways include […]

seaweed algae

Learn How you can Restore Thyroid Function with Natural Remedies

Function:  Is Your Thyroid Balanced? Are you one of the 27 million Americans (200 million worldwide) that have some form of thyroid disease? You could be. Up to 60% of the people who have this problem don’t even know it. One of the reasons for this is that the TSH testing most doctors rely on to diagnose thyroid problems isn’t 100% reliable in determining the glandular problems. Many people have multiple symptoms related to this […]

cholesterol and heart health

Cholesterol, Sugar, and Salt – Don’t Let your Heart Fail You

Heart health is important that is why this month’s Sunshine Sharing focuses on cholesterol and heart health. According to Dr. Halstead, it takes twenty years for current medical research to filter down through the medical system and become the standard practice of medical doctors. This certainly appears to be true with heart disease prevention, where decades old misconceptions abound. Here are some widely believed misconceptions and concepts that are out of date with current medical […]

donuts are not a healthy food

Are you a Sugar Addict | Learn how to Break your Habit

Having Diabetes or Metabolic Syndrome Isn’t Sweet Before the introduction of refined grains and later refined sugars, diabetes was virtually unknown. As soon as refined sugar and white flour are introduced into a group of people, rates of obesity and diabetes skyrocket. If that’s not bad enough, sugar consumption is linked to numerous other health problems. Most people know that too much sugar is bad for them but how much is “too much?” In this […]

winter health

There is a Cure for the Common Cold (and Flu)

An Effective, Natural Approach to the Common Cold and Flu Your immune system is incredible! It knows how to prevent you from getting sick with a cold or flu, it also knows how to treat it. Your immune system expels the viruses and irritants that are making you sick through fever, sneezing, coughing, and other symptoms. That’s the Cure! The problem is that many people think that these symptoms are the disease and take medications […]