Chronic Pain | RSD / CRPS

43 posts

Chronic Pain, RSD, CRPS

Are you tired of living with chronic pain? Looking for a natural solution to manage your discomfort and regain control of your life? Look no further. This blog shares coping skills shared through years of support groups as well as a range of traditional and natural approaches that can help alleviate some of your chronic pain and restore your quality of life.

Living with chronic pain can be a daily struggle, affecting everything from our physical well-being to our mental health. While there are traditional medical treatments available, many people are seeking alternative methods that offer relief without the risks associated with medications or invasive procedures. From herbs and supplements to acupuncture and meditation, there are countless natural remedies that have shown promising results in managing chronic pain. We will share some of those with you.

Managing Pain

Pain Awareness Month | Chronic Pain Support Group

September is Pain Awareness Month. Having a Pain Awareness Month helps organizations and individuals share with the public the issues relating to pain and its management. Pain is not new to any of us. Many of us have had to deal with some sort of pain in our lifetime. Acute or short term pain tends to occur from a surgery or an injury. This acute pain is what most of us are familiar with. This […]

writing and journaling

Patients Rights | Chronic Pain Support Group

Living with Chronic Pain is frustrating. I think that one of the biggest reasons is because no one can see your pain and you tend to look healthy. Sometimes someone may notice that you look a little tired or that you look like you don’t feel well. When you see someone walking around with a cast on their arm or foot, or you notice someone walking with a cane you know they don’t feel well. […]

medicine bottle

Medication Safety | Chronic Pain Support Group

Medication Safety can be a challenge for all those taking one or more medications on a daily basis and especially for those in chronic pain. Not only do chronic pain sufferers take medications, but some of their medication usage may also involve Opioids. According to the CDC, In the USA, adverse drug events account for over 1 million emergency room visits and 280,000 hospitalizations each year! In 2015, there were 33,000 deaths due to prescription […]


Journal Writing | Chronic Pain Support Group

Journal writing has been done by some of the most influential people in history. They kept journals or diaries all about their lives, experiences, and feelings. Many of them found these writings helped them to keep track of their daily activities as well as giving them an avenue for helping to release and / or express their emotions. Writing is a very creative activity. That is why keeping a journal can help you understand yourself […]

managing emotions facial expressions

Managing Emotions | Chronic Pain Support Group

Recognizing and managing our emotions can be challenging for anyone. It can be especially difficult for those of us who are working on managing emotions and our pain at the same time. Regardless of how difficult our feelings can be to manage, they do play a significant role in our health and in our pain level. Some of the most common emotions for individuals dealing with chronic pain are negative. These include sadness, depression, fear, […]