Daily Archives: October 27, 2020

2 posts

Salt Types and Salt History

Is Himalayan Pink Salt Really Better? Lets take a brief look at the salt types and history. There is new controversy on the amount of salt (sodium) you should eat daily for heart health and the many healthy benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt. Salt History Salt, or should I say white gold, was very difficult to get way back when. Animal meat or the blood of animals contained salt and many minerals, so the Nomads […]

nervous system

Nervous System

Overview and Brain Health The nervous system is the most complex system in the body. It contains over 100 billion neurons and 98% of the neurons are located in our brain. We are electrical beings, and every part of our body is interconnected by a communication system of nerve cells. Nerve cells communicate through a combination of electrical impulses and chemical messengers. Our nervous systems are what ‘wires us together”. The brain is the control […]