Daily Archives: July 27, 2020

2 posts

A strong skeletal system is needed for walking.

Skeletal System | Maintaining Healthy Bones and Joints

We are all familiar with collagen, however, there are many other things you can do to preserve your joint health, maintain activity and mobility and maintain a healthy skeletal system. Our skeletal system has a big job and some of its major functions include giving our body its shape, supporting it and allowing us to move. It also protects our internal organs, stores mineral and is needed to form blood cells. That’s a pretty big […]

collagen for youthful skin

Collagen for Youthful Skin Shiny Hair and Strong Nails

True Beauty Comes from Within Healthy living habits along with herbs, essential oils and collagen can really enhance the appearance of your skin as well as offer support for your overall structural health. What is Collagen Collagen is a fibrous protein that our connective tissue makes. It is what gives support to your structural system, as well as many of the tissues throughout your body. Your skin also needs it for support and a more […]