Daily Archives: March 13, 2012

3 posts

hyperbaric oxygen

Treatment of CRPS and RSD Using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

If you have suffered from CRPS or RSD after suffering a limb or joint injury, your pain may not be managed by traditional means, which include painkillers, NSAIDS/anti-inflammatory medications or opoid medications. In addition, should you suffer from an allergy to one of these medications, your doctor is restricted even more in the types of therapy he can use in treating your condition. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Patients suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning are often given […]


CRPS, RSD and Biofeedback – It’s Mind over Matter

After a seemingly minor injury like an ankle sprain or a broken wrist, you expect your pain to diminish over time as the ligaments, muscles and bones heal. In some cases, however, the pain doesn’t go away as your injury heals. Instead, it gets progressively worse, to the point where you cannot use the affected limb without excruciating pain. Medications may be out of the question and other treatments may not be covered by your […]


Can Ketamine Help Relieve the Pain of RSD and CRPS?

Ketamine is an anti-inflammatory medication that has the potential to dramatically reduce the pain you experience from your complex regional pain syndrome or reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Because of how it acts on your brain it also has the potential to relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, both of which you can develop as a result of your chronic and severe pain conditions, according to Dr. Nancy Sajben, a pain management specialist. Opioid-based medications […]