There are several different services and modalities for treating and managing chronic pain. The following modalities I have used myself in managing my RSD /CRPS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy). Physical therapy. This can be different for each person. I started out doing pool therapy and massage with hot and cold packs before I advanced to the fitness center. I was lucky that my range of motion and stretching remained strong because I exercised and was in shape before my accident, I […]
Daily Archives: December 29, 2010
I don’t know how many of you have heard of Curamin. It is an herbal analgesic and anti-inflammatory and several people I know have tried it and felt that it worked great! I have tried it and if I need to take something I prefer to take something naturally so Curamin works really well for me.
If you haven’t heard of “Sore No More” or “Sombra” Warm or Cool Therapy Gel for pain relief you should check it out. Both products are made by the same people. Sore No More is the retail product line and “Sombra” is usually sold through health professionals (massage therapists, chiropractors, health food stores). Either one works great for pain relief. I often rub it all over my left leg (which is the side I have RSD […]
It is sad that so many doctors still do not know about RSD / CRPS. Next time you are at your doctor’s – ask him if he knows what it is and help spread the word so people don’t have to wait so long to find out that is what they have. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy needs to be treated quickly so the chances of a full recovery are better. Every September is pain awareness month […]
I had the opportunity to speak with Jennifer Busch, the author of “All in My Mind”. She has Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia. Her book is a very honest recount of her recovery. She shares her good days and bad days, revealing her inner self. I found it to be a book written from the heart and I even teared up a bit at the end. It is also very insightful in many different […]